A Survey of the Effect of Electronic and Traditional Services Quality on Banking System Competitiveness: A Case Study of Saderat Bank Customers in the City of Khorramabad

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Assistant Professor, Department of Business Administration, Faculty of Economics and Administration, Lorestan University

2 Master of Business Administration, Faculty of Economics and Administration, Lorestan University


This study aims at the effect of traditional service quality and electronic service quality on the competitiveness of Saderat banks in the city of Khorramabad. In terms of purpose, the research is an applied one, and, in terms of method, it is of a descriptive causal type. The study population consisted of Saderat bank customers selected in a sample of 384 people. The data collection instrument was a questionnaire whose content validity and reliability was confirmed by Cronbach's alpha. In this study, to investigate and test the hypotheses, the data was analyzed using the SPSS software. The results showed that the quality of traditional and electronic services has a significant positive impact on competitiveness. Of these two types of services, electronic services proved to have a significantly greater impact than traditional services on the competitiveness of Saderat banks. On the other hand, it was found that the reliability of traditional service quality, components privacy, and quality of service more significantly and positively impact competitiveness of the banks, as compared to other dimensions. Thus, according to the results, it is necessary to pay special attention to the quality of electronic services.


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