Designing and modeling the behavior of brand consumers in the mobile phone and the Internet markets in Iran: A case study of Irancell Telecommunication Company

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Assistant Professor of Business Administration Group, Faculty of Humanities, Islamic Azad University, Firoozkooh

2 Master of Business Administration, Faculty of Humanities, Islamic Azad University, Firoozkooh


This research aims at the effects of service quality, perceived value, and customer’s satisfaction on the consumer’s intention for brand’s loyalty, trust, and commitment. In terms of the data collection method, this study is a descriptive survey. The study sample consisted of 384 Internet customers of Irancell lines in Tehran Province. The limitation of the research was the costly access to and, sometimes, unavailability of liable telecom industry customers. There were thirteen hypotheses to investigate. According to the results of the confirmatory factor analysis and structural equation modeling, one hypothesis, i.e. the effect of quality on brand commitment, was rejected. One of the applications of the study in management is the significance that should be given to the role of brand consumers’ behavioral intention. In precept can be of benefit for many industries and organizations. The innovation of this research is to propose a model and investigate it with a large set of variables. The study shows that providing high-quality services and offering goods at reasonable values can lead to high customer satisfaction and commitment. This occurs by creating a mental image of the company that induces customer’s loyalty.


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