Role of Brand Heritage Constitutive Elements (BHCE) in Development and Growth of Businesses

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Professor of Business Department, Economy, Management and Accounting Faculty, Yazd University

2 Associate Professor of Business Department, Economy, Management and Accounting Faculty, Yazd University

3 Assistant Professor of business Department, Economy, Management and Accounting Faculty, Yazd University

4 Instructor of ACECR-Yazd Organization


As businesses currently face the challenge of keeping up with rapid changes in such areas as technology, the concept of ‘brand’ has become one of the few resources to provide a long-term competitive advantage (Lindemann, 2003). One way of dealing with the turbulence in the world of business is to accentuate historical elements and, thereby, achieve stability and confidence. It has become trendy for consumers to seek consolation in the past. History can make a brand relevant to the present and, prospectively, the future. ‘Brand heritage’ is a new concept in the branding process that links past, present and future. Brand heritage is also one of the associations that marketers can use to differentiate their brands from those of their competitors. It ultimately helps them to create a unique image for their offerings. Using brand heritage as an advantage calls for the constitutive elements of brand heritage. This article explains the concept of Brand Heritage Constitutive Elements (BHCE) and its role in business development. The concept is investigated with reference to Momtaz match brand as the subject of a case study.


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