Designing a model for the consumer loyalty based on the antecedents of consumer perceived innovativeness with an emphasis on functional-cognitive and affective-experiential approaches

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Associate Professor, Faculty of Management, Kharazmi University

2 Assistant Professor, Faculty of Management, Kharazmi University

3 MBA student, Faculty of Management, Kharazmi University


Introduction: In today’s competitive business environment, one of the most important factors in business success is consumer loyalty. Introducing innovative products to the market is a major way of creating consumer loyalty. Since many of these new products are made based on the managers’ perception of innovation and do not consider consumer perspectives, they cannot succeed. In order to ensure that innovations will be more successful in the market, a consumer-centric perspective is essential.  In fact, innovative products lead to a sense of satisfaction and ultimately loyalty in the consumer, in terms of both providing functional and melancholic capabilities and creating a positive and hedonistic emotional experience. Summarizing the studies in this field, it is clear that a study that simultaneously examines the drivers and consequences of perceived innovation and proposes related theoretical structures in the form of a useful model for better understanding of consumer reactions to innovations. Therefore, this study aims to fill the gap in the research literature to examine the drivers of consumer perception of innovation and the way these factors can lead to functional-cognitive and emotional-experimental pathways. This research aims to design a model for the consumer loyalty based on the antecedents of consumer perceived innovativeness (CPI) with an emphasis on functional-cognitive and affective-experiential approaches.
Methodology: This research is practical in terms of purpose and descriptive-survey in terms of methodology. The statistical population of the study is the consumers of LG brand home products in Tehran. The Klein formula is used to estimate the sample size, according to which the sample size is 5 to 10 times the number of indicators. The number of indicators in this research is 45. Therefore, according to Klein's formula, the number of samples can be from 225 to 450 and a non-probabilistic sampling method is available. A total of 310 consumers of “LG brand name” responded to a questionnaire. The data were collected, tested and analyzed by the SPSS and LISREL software programs.
Results and Discussion: In this study, in order to analyze the collected data, first at the descriptive level, statistical indicators are used to describe and summarize the demographic characteristics of the sample in the study, including gender, marital status, age, last degree, and occupation, The amount of income is paid, and, then at the inferential level, the significance of the "observed variables" versus the "hidden variables" is determined and the fit of measurement models is obtained through a "confirmatory factor analysis". Finally, in order to investigate the accuracy of the hypotheses and the relationships between the research variables, the "structural equation model" and, in particular, the path analysis technique are used.. Fitting the indices show good values. The normal chi-square value is 2.57, which is in the acceptable range of 1 to 5. Therefore, the structural model has a good fit. Also, since the RMSEA fit index is 0.039, which is less than 0.1, the model has a good fit. Other goodness-of-fit indicators have also been accepted in the range. The results indicate that the perceived newness and the perceived relative advantage are the antecedents of consumer perceived innovativeness. Consumer perceived innovativeness affects satisfaction and ultimately the consumer loyalty through two routes including functional-cognitive and affective-experiential routes.
Conclusion: The contribution that this research can make to LG in the field of home products is that, with the help of this model, the company can have a better understanding of the consumer response to innovation, because such products are emotional and cognitions affect the consumer. If the company tries to meet consumer expectations, offer new products with good quality and pay attention to quality, it can only increase functionality for the consumer. In order to strengthen the positive feeling in him, there is a need for symbolism (aesthetics) and uniqueness. Thus, positive feelings are evoked in the consumer. The positive feeling and functionality that an innovative product brings for the consumer can lead to his satisfaction and consequently his loyalty. The company's innovative efforts can focus on the two consumer processing pathways that we have identified. With a clear understanding of consumer perception of innovation, LG senior executives can make their marketing plans. Decision making in this area is also a function of product category and the type of consumer attitude towards innovation.


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