Investigating the Individual and Organizational Factors Affecting E-loyalty with the Mediating Role of E-satisfaction

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Assistant Professor, Department of Management, Faculty of Economic and Administrative Sciences, University of Isfahan, Isfahan

2 M. A, Business Management, Isfahan


Providing electronic banking (E-banking) services is of a noteworthy role in continuing the competition in the market. Increasing expectations of customers for ideal services in the field of E-banking and the presence of rival trades show the importance of this issue. Satisfying electronic customers requires identifying and analyzing of the factors that largely determine the loyalty of customers. Hence, the current study examines the individual and organizational factors that affect electronic loyalty (E-loyalty) with the role of electronic satisfaction (E-satisfaction) mediation. To this end, based on the already performed studies and considering the banking conditions in Iran, a model was designed to specially focus on factors such as perceived usefulness, perceived ease of use, attitudes toward use, and organizational factors including technology, organizational structure, organizational strategy, organizational culture and business processes. In order to gather the data and test the model, an electronic questionnaire was designed and delivered to the users who had an experience of E-banking services. As many as 352 acceptable questionnaires (with the acceptable reliability of 0.94) were used for the analysis. The results of the data analysis by the method of route analysis suggested that the chosen individual and organizational factors, except the organizational strategy variable, lead to
E-satisfaction, which, in turn, influences the E-loyalty of customers.


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