Investigating the impact of bank customer readiness on their satisfaction with mediator role of perceived quality of self-service, trust and perceived value of customers

Document Type : Research Paper


1 MSc in Business Administration, International Marketing Trend, School of Administrative and Economic Sciences, International University Campus, Ferdowsi University of Mashhad

2 Professor, Department of Management, Faculty of Administrative and Economic Sciences, Ferdowsi University of Mashhad

3 Associate Professor, Department of Management, Faculty of Administrative Sciences and Economics, Ferdowsi University of Mashhad


Introduction: Nowadays, banks offer their customers new ways of doing things, such as different types of self-service, in order to satisfy customers and facilitate their day-to-day operations. Due to the community's acceptance of self-service banks, in near future, many banking activities will be self-service, and more advanced equipment with more capabilities will be put into operation, and bank branches will be eliminated. Due to recent developments in the country's banking, the expectations of banking customers from the banking network has risen in such a way that all customers want to receive high-quality services, increase the speed of banking operations and pay special attention to employees. Therefore, it is necessary to identify the factors that affect the quality of banking services in the country through expert analysis and propose solutions to address the shortcomings. Eghtesad Novin Bank, as a private bank, is no exception in keeping its customers satisfied with other banks. The purpose of this study was to investigate the impact of technological readiness of customers and self-service quality on customer's electronic satisfaction considering the moderating role of the two variables of trust and perceived value.
Methodology: The research is applied in terms of purpose and descriptive and correlational in terms of data collection. Since this research was conducted on an individual level, the statistical population included the customers of Bank Eghtesad Novin branches in Mashhad, each of which used the bank's self-service in some way. The statistical population of the customers of the bank branches in Mashhad was the sample size for this research. According to the number of the operational variables of research, the sample consisted of 410 individuals. Moreover, According to the research model, some hypotheses were made as follows:
Hypothesis 1: Customer technological readiness affects customer satisfaction through the perceived quality of services.
Hypothesis 2: Technological readiness through perceived quality of self-service services has an effect on customer satisfaction with the mediating role of trust.
Hypothesis 3: Technological readiness through perceived quality of self-service services affects customer satisfaction with the mediating role of the perceived value.
The data were collected using a questionnaire, and structural equation modeling was used to test the hypotheses. The questionnaire was developed in the form of a 5-point Likert scale. The reliability of the instrument was also evaluated using Cronbach's alpha coefficient. The hypotheses were analyzed using the torque structure analysis software (AMOS v.18) and the statistical package for social sciences (SPSS v.19). In order to provide a background for modeling structural equations, the correlations among the research variables were examined. The scale of measurement of the research variables was of distance type, and the correlation among them served as a basis for the statistical analysis and the calculation of Pearson correlation. 
Results and Discussion: Given that, for all the variables have values above 0.7, the data collection tool has good reliability. Also, the amount of elongation and skewness of all the data is ±1, which indicates that the data are normal. In addition, in the fitted factor analysis model, the factor load of all the items is significant at the confidence level of 0.95. Therefore, none of the questionnaire items were deleted. The significance level of the items is below 0.05. It should be noted that the model includes the dimensions of technology readiness, i.e., optimism, innovation, security, and difficulty, as well as the dimensions of the quality of self-service services, i.e., operation, comfort, pleasure, reliability and security. The variables themselves play the role of the latent variables in a structural model, but the variables trust, perceived value and satisfaction have no dimension. Therefore, the items of these variables are considered as variables.
Conclusion: The results of a self-service quality mediator test on the relationship between technological readiness and e-customer satisfaction showed that the indirect effect of technological readiness on e-satisfaction through self-service quality is significant. In addition, the mediating roles of perceived value and trust were investigated in this study, which resulted in the confirmation of the role of the perceived value; the mediating role of trust in this regard was not confirmed. Also, the fit indices of the CFA model indicated the optimal fit of the measurement models and confirmed the significance of the factor load of each observed variable versus the corresponding latent variable. Moreover, out of all the hypotheses considered, the effect of trust on electronic satisfaction was confirmed. Following this rejection, the hypothesis about the effect of technological readiness through the quality of self-service on customer satisfaction with the mediating role of trust was not confirmed.


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