Analyzing customers' arrogant behavior on employee burnout with the mediating role of organizational loyalty (Case of study: employees of Refah chain store in Ardabil province)

Document Type : Research Paper


1 MS, Business Administration, Shamim Danesh Novin Institute of Higher Education, Ardabil, Iran

2 Professor, Department of Public Administration and Tourism, University of Mohaghegh, Ardabili, Ardabi, Iran

3 Assistant Professor, Department of Management, Islamic Azad University, Ardabil Branch, Ardabil, Iran

4 PhD student, Leadership and Human Capital Department, Faculty of Public Administration and Organizational Sciences Management Schools, University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran



 Introduction: The research’s purpose is to investigate the effect of arrogant behavior of customers on employee burnout with the mediating role of organizational loyalty in Refah Ardabil chain store. Today, organizations spend a lot of money to solve the consequences of job burnout, such as emotional consequences, physical consequences, and behavioral consequences (interpersonal), such as reducing the amount and quality of job performance, absenteeism, and leaving the service. Therefore, in this research, the researcher is looking for the effect of the arrogant behavior of customers on the burnout of employees with the mediating role of organizational loyalty.
Methodology: The current research is among the quantitative researches with positivism, due to the nature of using the research results, it is considered an applied one. In terms of the method used to conduct the research, correlation is using structural equations. In the current research, the considered statistical population includes all the employees of Refah store in Ardabil, whose number is equal to 72 people. Considering that the statistical population is small, all the people of the statistical population were studied and finally 65 questionnaires were analyzed. In this research, the library method was used to collect theoretical bases. Library resources include books, Persian and Latin articles, theses and master's theses, and internet tools are among the main axes of research. According to the research strategy, which follows the survey method, the field method was used for surveying and collecting information and data. Therefore, the data collection tool in the current research is three questionnaires as follows: Pico's burnout questionnaire (2006), which measures job burnout. It is classified. In order to measure organizational loyalty, Ghanbari and Abdulmaleki's 2020 organizational loyalty questionnaire with five items, with a three-level spectrum, was used, and finally, the consumer arrogance questionnaire from Lewis (2002) was used to measure the arrogant behavior of customers.
Results and discussion: In examining the main hypothesis of the research, the effect of arrogant behavior of customers on job burnout was confirmed with the mediating role of organizational loyalty, therefore, there is a significant positive relationship between organizational loyalty and job burnout and arrogant behavior of customers. Arrogant behaviors of customers and their wrong and excessive expectations lead to employee burnout and ultimately discourage them from the organization and affect their efficiency, and the continuation of this trend can be problematic for employees and their colleagues. Also, in the investigation of the first sub-hypothesis, the effect of organizational loyalty and job burnout was discussed and as observed, the relationship between the two variables was confirmed and the findings indicated that there is a significant effect between these two variables. Therefore, according to the results obtained, it can be claimed that some moral characteristics of employees, such as commitment and loyalty to their system and organization, and as a result, enduring adverse conditions and various events over time, have affected the vulnerability and burnout of employees and caused They become alienated and have physical and mental problems.
In examining the second sub-hypothesis of the research, it was observed that there is a significant relationship between organizational loyalty and the arrogant behavior of customers.
Conclusion: It can be concluded that in many cases, when customers observe behaviors such as humility and respect in employees that originate from their loyalty to the organization where they work, they consider it as fear of the customer and try to deal with the behaviors that result from It is arrogance and narcissism to behave and consider yourself in a higher position. This factor and behavior style of customers gradually lead to mental and emotional harassment of employees and cause negative results. In examining the third sub-hypothesis of the research, it was observed that there is a significant relationship between job burnout and arrogant behavior of customers. Therefore, it can be concluded that the negative behavior of customers and its transmission to the employees of the organization and their continuous involvement and responding to the unnecessary needs of customers can gradually and over time cause emotional damage and premature fatigue of employees and ultimately lead to their burnout. So that they can't adapt to different conditions and eventually suffer from visible problems in organizational dimensions and aspects such as job satisfaction, work-life balance, etc.
Thus, the increase in the arrogant behavior of consumers has led to employee burnout and organizational loyalty also has a significant role in the emergence of such a problem, therefore, in order to prevent the creation of behavioral injuries of employees, attention should be paid. Controlling the level of organizational loyalty is very important.


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