Document Type : Research Paper
Ph.D. Candidate of Management Department, Faculty of Social Sciences and Economics, Alzahra University, Iran
Associate Professor of Management Department, Faculty of Social Sciences and Economics, Alzahra University, Iran
Professor of Management Department, Faculty of Management and Economics, Tarbiat Modares University, Iran
Assistant Professor of General Insurance Group, Insurance Research Center, Iran
Social customer relationship management (SCRM) is a new concept that combines social media and social networks with standard customer relationship management (CRM) tools, processes, and practices to improve customer engagement, especially customer service. The goal of SCRM is to create a personal relationship with customers by tracking communications and interactions, following leads, analyzing customer views, and responding appropriately by reviewing the data received in the form of customer feedback. Many organizations have recognized the potential of SCRM capabilities in their businesses and have made significant investments in this area. However, the success rate of companies in integrating social media with CRM systems has varied greatly, and various studies report high failure rates of SCRM implementation. As social customer relationship management (SCRM) is considered an emerging phenomenon, most companies are still in the early stages of adoption. To exploit the true potential of SCRM, companies must be aware of the factors that drive its adoption. However, the existing literature on SCRM has largely focused on the characteristics, opportunities, and benefits that SCRM offers, but provides little insight into the factors that influence its adoption. Today, the service industry plays a vital role in the development and economic growth of countries. The insurance industry, as a supporting service industry, contributes to this development and plays a significant role in the economy. The Iran's insurance industry, despite its long history, has not had a very good position compared to other economic sectors of the country and compared to the world insurance markets, and has lagged behind in terms of growth. The low insurance penetration rate and low demand for insurance services in Iran confirm this. In a competitive and volatile sector like insurance, one of the profitable ways to outperform competitors and at the same time develop insurance penetration is to enable online interaction with customers through the use of social CRM. Social CRM provides opportunities for insurance companies that can increase their effectiveness. Given the benefits discussed, the purpose of this research is to identify the critical factors affecting the adoption of social CRM in the insurance industry and to prioritize these factors based on their importance and impact.
This research is applied in terms of its purpose and descriptive-survey in terms of its method. In order to collect data and information, library and field methods were used. After identifying the criteria and sub-criteria based on a review of the research literature and a survey of managers and experts familiar with the research topic in the insurance industry, a field study and distribution of a pairwise comparison questionnaire were used to prioritize each of the criteria. The statistical population of this research includes experts familiar with the topic, including customer relationship management experts in insurance companies in Tehran, of whom 29 were selected using the snowball sampling method. The questionnaire included three main criteria and 18 sub-criteria, which the experts were asked to prioritize. The network analysis process technique in Super Decision software was used to weight and prioritize the research criteria and sub-criteria. The insurance experts confirmed the validity of the pairwise comparison questionnaire and it has the necessary validity and its reliability was calculated by calculating the inconsistency rate.
Results and Discussion
In this research, the factors affecting the adoption of social customer relationship management (SCRM) in the insurance industry were identified, with a review of past research, in three main criteria and 18 sub-criteria. Then, these factors were examined and prioritized by experts using a questionnaire. The results of the network analysis process technique showed that among the 3 main criteria (technology, organizational, and environmental), technology factors were identified as the most important main indicator in the adoption of SCRM in insurance companies. Organizational factors ranked second, and environmental factors ranked third. After the final prioritization, the highest rank in the sub-criteria was observed for the sub-criterion "the existence of reliable customer information in social media". This was followed by "senior management support" in second place and "the ability to integrate customer-related systems" in third place, which indicates the importance of paying attention to these sub-criteria in the insurance industry.
In recent years, social customer relationship management (SCRM) has emerged as a powerful tool for businesses to engage with customers on social media platforms and build strong relationships with them. This trend has also had a significant impact on the insurance industry, prompting insurance companies to adopt SCRM strategies to better connect with their customers. SCRM enables insurance companies to effectively target and engage with a diverse range of customers. While technologies such as SCRM can offer better alternatives and solutions for communicating with customers, effectively integrating them into the existing insurance system can be challenging. Therefore, there is a need to identify the factors that influence insurance companies' intention to participate in SCRM programs, which can be the key to successful implementation of this technology. In general, based on the results of the research conducted, it can be stated that the adoption of SCRM is not only considered a technological project, but should also be considered as a comprehensive integrated business strategy in which organizational, environmental and technological factors must all be integrated and help the company to make an informed decision about the implementation of this strategy. By taking a comprehensive approach to SCRM, insurance companies can build stronger customer relationships, drive business growth, and gain a competitive advantage in today's digital age.