The role of customer based brand equity in the effect of advertising on consumer response

Document Type : Research Paper



The importance of brand equity in current marketing world is clear. a strong brand can be worth more than the usual value for an organization. This issue has an utmost important in the tourism industry. Todays tourism organization are looking for the identification of effective factor for promoting the equity of brand in their customrs mind.  Advertising is also one of the issues that today even the most distant parts of the world are familiar with and in affected by it. This article seeks to develop a systematic framework about brand equity and its dimension, Advertising and consumer response with mediator role of knowledge transfer and innovational performance in in Tourism and Travel Agencies in Tehran and trying to broaden the frontiers of knowledge in this area. Data for this study as non-random sampling of customers in the travel and tourism offices in Tehran city by using a questionnaire has been collected. This study, based on aim, is an applicable research, and based on data collection method, it is a descriptive research with Using Smart PLS software. The result of study showed there was a significant positive effect of on consumer response.forthere more it showed that advertising has a positive effect through brand equity and its dimentions on consumer response.


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