The Clarification of Brand Personality and Consumer's Budget with Preferences and Purchase Decision of Good

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Assistant Professor, Imam Khomeini International University

2 MBA Graduated, Imam Khomeini International University


Having a motivation to buy foreign-brand goods is one of the main characteristics of Iranian consumers. This tendency in the international marketing can be explained by social recognition or more reliance on foreign brands. However, from the perspectives of developmental economy and international business, such a tendency threatens national interests. The tendency toward different brands is caused by mental reasons as well as the consumer's budget status. Given the above, the current paper is aimed to study the accompany effects of brand personality and consumer's budget on the preferences and purchase decisions of Iranian and foreign goods in Tehran. Accordingly four groups of commodities with different degrees of utilization in two kinds of Iranian non Iranian - brand goods were considered and the econometrics model of Logit was applied to analyze the obtained data. The results suggest that in the north of Tehran and for all groups of goods the brand personality has been the main reason for the preference of foreign brands. These results in the south of Tehran were only verified for consumable and semi-durable products. As to the other goods, the consumer's budget has been the main reason behind the consumers’ preference.


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