Presenting a Dynamic Model in Developing Historical Tourism: A Case Study of Yazd Province

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Associate Professor of Science and Art University

2 Associate Professor, Department of Management, Yazd University


Background: Thanks to the various historical and cultural attractions, Yazd province enjoys recognized as well as unrecognized capacities in historical tourism. The purpose of this study is to present a dynamic model of the key factors affecting historical tourism in Yazd province from the perspective of foreign tourists.
Method: After a literature review, the most important factors affecting historical tourism were determined and then a model of such factors and their practical interconnections were developed and simulated under System Dynamics approach.
Findings: This study presents a dynamic model of the factors influencing historical tourism development. How to attract more visitors will continue to be a challenge for years to come, and consequently the long-term satisfaction of visitors has become a key issue. The model shows the variable trends, casual loops and sensitivity analysis.
Conclusion: The problem of tourists’ visit is dynamic and complicated involving the interaction of many factors such as governmental policies, service quality, population and transportation system. The results of this study indicate that education, hotel quality and awareness of foreign tourist requirements are among the essential factors affecting the arrival of foreign historical tourists in Yazd Province.


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