Factors Affecting Purchase Intention of Veil Clothing among Women

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Doctoral Candidate, Tarbiat Modares University

2 Professor, Tarbiat Modares University

3 Associate Professor, Tarbiat Modares University


Islamic veil is a kind of clothing that Muslim women are recommended to use while appearing in society and interacting with the male counterparts. Based on Islamic teachings, this kind of clothing is necessary for women’s protection and self-respect. Unfortunately this Islamic gift has faced certain oppositions from those who are ambassadors of western culture. Therefore, conducting research with the aim of getting familiar with factors affecting women wearing this kind of clothing is of a great significance. Based on consumer behavior theories, purchase intention leads to consuming behavior. In this study, literature review led us to identify four variables of materialism, subjective norm, religiosity and Islamic veil. Then, their effects on purchase intention of Islamic veil clothing were scrutinized. Results show a significant negative effect of materialism on both variables of religiosity and subjective norm. In return, these two variables have a significant effect on Islamic veil involvement. Finally, the effect of Islamic veil involvement on the purchase intention of veil clothing was significant. 


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