The effect of trust on repurchases tendencies and customer support of insurance companies

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Associate Professor of Business Management University of Kurdistan

2 Assistant Professor of Business Management University of Kurdistan

3 Master of Marketing Management University of Kurdistan


Trust in insurance is the most important factor of the insurance industry and without this trust, there will be no re-purchase. In the present study, the effect of trust and value dimensions on customer loyalty in the public and private sectors of insurance is investigated. This research is applied in terms of purpose and descriptive in terms of data collection. The statistical population of this study is the customers of public and private insurance companies in Kurdistan province. Based on the stratified random sampling method according to market share, the desired sample size was determined and a questionnaire was used to collect data. . SPSS and LISREL software were used to analyze and analyze the data. According to the findings in the cognitive path of the model, the effect of trust through perceived value on customer loyalty for the public and private insurance sectors was confirmed. The effect of cognitive trust on utility value also confirmed in both public and private insurance companies, but the effect of emotional trust on hedonistic value was confirmed only in private insurance companies. In general, the effect of trust and value on loyalty in the public sector is greater than in the private sector.


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