Dimensions of Quality, Life Insured’s Attitudinal and Behavioral Loyalty

Document Type : Research Paper


1 M.A. in Business Management, Specialization in Marketing, Tehran University, Qom Campus

2 Associate Professor of Management Faculty, Tehran University

3 Assistant Professor of Management Faculty, Tehran University


The problem of perceived quality by customers is an important topic that has been constantly concentrated by service companies since presenting services with excellent quality leads to strong competitive advantages such as increasing customer’s satisfaction and loyalty for companies. The current descriptive survey research identifies dimensions of perceived quality and investigates the effect of these dimensions on attitudinal and behavioral loyalty. The research further studies the moderating role of attitudinal loyalty among 267 life insured of Saman Company in Tehran city. Based on exploratory factor analysis, three independent latent variables including tangible attributes, hard attributes (technical dimension) and soft attributes (functional dimension) as perceived quality dimensions and two dependent latent variables including attitudinal loyalty and behavioral loyalty are identified. Measurement models of dependent and independent variables were accepted via confirmatory factor analysis. To test hypotheses, correlation analysis and structural equations were used the results of which show service tangible attributes do not have any significant effect on insured’s attitudinal and behavioral loyalty. Service hard attributes (technical dimension) have positive and significant effect on insured’s attitudinal and behavioral loyalty and finally service soft attributes (functional dimension) leave positive and significant effects on the insured’s behavioral loyalty indirectly via attitudinal loyalty


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31-Dimensions of Quality, Life Insured’s Attitudinal and Behavioral Loyalty