Measuring Service Quality of the E-Banking

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Associate Professor and member of Scientific Panelin Yazd University

2 Master of Business Administration, Yazd University


The expansion of electronic banking, as an application of information and communication technology in financial and banking markets in developed countries around the world, has forced banking industry to use this innovation within the recent years. Hence, the quality evaluation of electronic services is one of the solutions that enables us to be aware of the deployment quality of different applications of information and communication technology including electronic banking so as to apply the feedback in improving the country’s status in this field. In this research, after reviewing the literature, the key factors affecting the service quality in the electronic banking were identified. To measure the variables, a questionnaire including proper items was designed the validity of which was confirmed by construct validity. The collected data were analyzed by E-S-Qual model and Topsis technique. The results reveal that out of the total 30 features, there were 22 negative and 8 positive factors. The negative factors indicate that, from the clients’ perspective, the bank has not managed to meet customers’ expectations.


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