Investigation of Brand Slogans Effects on Purchase Intention of Customers

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Assistant Professor, Management, Semnan University

2 MSc. Student, Marketing Management, Semnan University


As a result of the intense competition in Iran's banking industry, employing advertising programs has been highlighted in recent years. It is obvious that brand slogan is one of the most important elements of a brand functioning as its identity so that it is used mostly in bankers’ advertisements. The present paper tries to analyze the effects of brand slogan on purchase intention of customers so as to illustrate the effectiveness of brand slogan. The current research is applied from the objective view and survey from the methodological perspective. The study population included the customers of Iran's National Bank who opened accounts in this bank's branches between 2003 and 2013 in the city of Tehran. Among them, 387 customers were selected using multistage sampling method and were asked to complete the survey. Also, structural equation method was employed to examine the hypotheses and model of the study. Results show that brand slogan significantly affects customers’ purchase intention by effecting intermediary variables such as brand judgment, perceived quality, perceived risk and information costs saved.


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