With the improvement of technology and the need for promptitude in communication and transactions, social commerce has been taken into consideration in this regard. Social trust has particular importance for maintaining more and more customers in online spaces. The purpose of the present research is to present a social trust model by examining the impact of social websites quality. The research is practical in terms of purpose and descriptive-correlation in terms of method. The statistical population includes the social network users who have bought social tourism websites. They were selected by a non-random sampling method. The results of the structural equation modeling method show that the dimensions of the social websites quality such as information quality, communication, virtual communities, and customization of tourism services have a positive and significant effect on social presence. Also, all the dimensions of social websites quality except communication and virtual communities with social presence have positive and significant effects on the perceived enjoyment. Social presence and perceived enjoyment have positive effects on the perceived usefulness. Finally, the relationship between perceived usefulness and social trust is positive.
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Jami Pour, M. , , Taheri, G. , and Ebrahimi Delavar, F. . "Developing a model for trust in the social commerce by investigating the impact of the quality of social websites in the tourism industry", Journal of Business Administration Researches, 11, 22, 2020, 25-54. doi: 10.22034/jbar.2020.1571
Jami Pour, M., Taheri, G., Ebrahimi Delavar, F. (2020). 'Developing a model for trust in the social commerce by investigating the impact of the quality of social websites in the tourism industry', Journal of Business Administration Researches, 11(22), pp. 25-54. doi: 10.22034/jbar.2020.1571
M. Jami Pour , G. Taheri and F. Ebrahimi Delavar, "Developing a model for trust in the social commerce by investigating the impact of the quality of social websites in the tourism industry," Journal of Business Administration Researches, 11 22 (2020): 25-54, doi: 10.22034/jbar.2020.1571
Jami Pour, M., Taheri, G., Ebrahimi Delavar, F. Developing a model for trust in the social commerce by investigating the impact of the quality of social websites in the tourism industry. Journal of Business Administration Researches, 2020; 11(22): 25-54. doi: 10.22034/jbar.2020.1571