The Effect of Customer Value Co Creation Behavior and Brand Preference on Repurchase Intention

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Associate Professor, Department of Management, Faculty of Literature and Humanities, University of Guilan, Rasht, Iran

2 MSc. of Business Administration, University of Guilan, Rasht, Iran


Today, businesses have particular attention to customer participation and their responsibility towards firms in order to increase their profits and market share. Because this subject could provide the context for the customer involvement and citizenship behavior, which leads to have customer co creation value behavior, and by creating customer satisfaction and loyalty has affected their brand preference and repurchase intention. In fact, the purpose of this research is to investigate the effect of creating customer co creation value behavior on the brand's preferences and the repurchase intention. Also we examined the mediating role of brand preference in the relation between customer co creation value behavior and repurchase intention. The present study is practical in terms of purpose and descriptive in terms of data collection. The statistical population is the customers of various clothing brands in the Instagram social network. 239 questionnaires were gathered by convenient sampling method. We use structural equation modeling to analyze data. The results of this research show that customer value co creation behavior has a positive and significant effect on brand preference. The positive and significant effect of the brand equity on brand preference has been proven. Also brand preference mediated the relation between customer value co creation behavior and repurchase intention.


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