طراحی مدل خرید درمانی

نوع مقاله : مقاله پژوهشی


1 دانشگاه یزد

2 دانشگاه یزد/ دانشکده اقتصاد،حسابداری و مدیریت

3 عضو هیئت علمی دانشگاه یزد



هدف پژوهش حاضر که از نوع پژوهش های کیفی می‌باشد طراحی مدل خرید درمانی است؛ همچنین این پژوهش از نظر هدف جزء پژوهش‌های بنیادی و از نظر گردآوری داده‌ها در زمره پژوهش‌های اکتشافی قرار می‌گیرد. داده‌های مورد نیاز جهت طراحی مدل مفهومی با استفاده از مصاحبه‌های عمیق و نیمه ساختاریافته با تجربه‌کنندگان این نوع از رفتار خرید که تا رسیدن به اشباع نظری( 15 مصاحبه) به طول انجامید، گردآوری شد. پس از تنظیم پروتکل سوالات مصاحبه، روایی پرسشنامه مورد تایید قرار گرفت، به این صورت که اعتبار پذیری نتایج این پژوهش از طریق بازخوانی نتایج آن توسط برخی از شرکت‌کنندگان در مصاحبه و متخصصان باتجربه در این حوزه مورد تایید قرار گرفت. همچنین جهت تأیید پذیری نتایج این پژوهش، محقق بازبینی بر روی‌داده‌ها، یادداشت‌ها و سایر موارد را انجام داده است و برای ارزیابی پایایی بخش کیفی از ضریب هولستی استفاده شده است. نتایج نشان داد که مقدار درصد توافق مشاهده‌شده (PAO) در این مطالعه 712/0 می‌باشد که از 6/0 بزرگتر است، بنابراین پایایی بخش کیفی مطلوب می‌باشد. در ادامه تحلیل داده‌های حاصل از مصاحبه با استفاده از نرم‌افزار MAXQDA نسخه 2022.8 صورت گرفته‌است. یافته ها منجر به شناسایی ۹ مقوله و ۵۶ کد انتخابی گردید که شامل افزایش پس‌انداز و بهبود اقتصادی، پشیمانی و سرخوردگی فردی، رفتار کنترل شده ، هنجارهای فرهنگی- اجتماعی، طراحی داخلی و محیط فروشگاه، زمینه تربیتی خانواده، ریسک بی پولی، خرید درمانی و افکار، عواطف و احساسات شخصیت افراد می‌باشد.



عنوان مقاله [English]

Designing a model for Retail therapy

نویسندگان [English]

  • Asma Mohammadi 1
  • mahmood naderi 2
  • Seyed Mohammad Tabatabai-Nasab 1
  • Ali Morovati Sharifabadi 3
1 Yazd university
2 , Faculty of Economics‚ Management & Accounting, University of yazd,
3 Industrial Management, Yazd University.
چکیده [English]


Therapy means the treatment of mental or physical illness without drugs or surgery and is a cognitive stimulation to change behavior. This concept when used in the field of shopping is reminiscent of the concept of Retail therapy. Retail therapy happeing when consumers buy to improve their negative feeling and not just to get the product they need and its benefits include positive distraction,the motivation to escape from reality,increased self confidence,a sense of control and better social communication.The purchase process includes various steps such as search, selection, acquisition and consumption. Research shows that sad feelings can be alleviated simply by liking a product without buying that product, which highlights the fact that Retail Therapy is not necessarily the result of buying or consuming, so the main concept of Retail Therapy is that Consumers, even by searching for products, can relieve their stress and expect numerous psychological improvements through Retail Therapy. But despite the high prevalence of this behavior, there is no correct understanding of it, and there is no source of information that could clarify this issue in a correct way. This importance became the reason for the design of this research, the purpose of which is to design a conceptual model for Retail Therapy, which will greatly help to increase the understanding of this concept. In this research, it has been tried to fully investigate this concept and the causal, intervening, and contextual components that are effective on this behavior, as well as the positive and negative consequences that this behavior will have for the individual and the society. be identified and finally the possible strategies that help to weaken or strengthen these consequences are also identified so that finally a comprehensive model based on the Grounded theory.


this research is a type of qualitative research, which is part of basic research in terms of its purpose and exploratory research in terms of data collection. In order to analyze the data, the Grounded theory method based on a systematic approach has been used. The data-based approach is a type of qualitative research method that uses the inductive approach of a series of systematic procedures to create a theory about the phenomenon under study. The reason for using this method is that in this method the theories are formed based on the concepts obtained from the data and provide a better explanation because they are more suitable to the situation and on the other hand, this method is an efficient method in the field of the model making and theorizing.

In this research, the main data was collected through interviews with people who have experience in this type of shopping behavior. In qualitative methods, determining the sample size does not follow a specific formula and the researcher will continue the data collection process until reaching theoretical saturation, which this research is not an exception to this rule and the data collection process will continue until theorecal saturation is reached.

Discussion and Results

In the present study, the researcher reached theoretical saturation after 15 interviews. Understanding how and why people buy has led to a growing interest in studying consumer decision-making styles. The variety of consumer behavior is due to the variety of factors affecting the behavior and motivation of a person to buy. Among the types of shopping, we can mention Retail Therapy, which has attracted the interest and attention of researchers for more than 50 years. Currently, 50% of people do Retail Therapy and 50% buy a certain class of goods in this way. Retail Therapy is rooted in consumer behavior and is considered one of the valuable concepts of the market environment; Because marketing managers can increase their sales and profitability by identifying the drivers that influence the Retail Therapy. Internal factors (such as emotional states) and external factors (such as brand-related factors) have a great impact on Retail Therapy. In the current research, the design of Retail Therapy model including 9 main categories and 56 sub-categories was obtained. The main categories include: increasing savings and economic improvement, personal disappointment and disappointment, controlled behavior, cultural-social norms, interior design and store environment, family education context, lack of money risk, Retail Therapy

and thoughts, emotions and feelings of people's personality.


The results show that according to the current conditions, Retail Therapy is rooted in consumer behavior and is considered one of the valuable concepts of the market environment; Because marketing managers can increase their sales and profitability by identifying the drivers that influence the purchase of therapy.

کلیدواژه‌ها [English]

  • Consumer behavior
  • Retail Therapy
  • purchase behavior
  • consumer purchase experience