تأثیر استراتژی سطح شرکت و استراتژی بازاریابی بر عملکرد بانک‌ها با نقش میانجی محتوای استراتژی

نوع مقاله : مقاله پژوهشی


1 استاد گروه مدیریت بازرگانی، دانشگاه شهید بهشتی، تهران

2 دانشجوی ارشد مدیریت بازرگانی، دانشکده علوم انسانی، دانشگاه بین‌المللی اهل‌بیت (ع)، تهران



هدف از پژوهش حاضر، با توجه به موضوع (تأثیر استراتژی سطح شرکت و استراتژی بازاریابی بر عملکرد بانک‌ها با نقش میانجی محتوای استراتژی) و بیان مسئلۀ تحقیق، بررسی تأثیر استراتژی سطح بانک و بازاریابی از طریق محتوای استراتژی (نقش میانجی) بر عملکرد بانک‌های خصوصی در افغانستان می‌باشد. به‌علاوه، این تحقیق از نظر هدف، کاربردی و ازنظر روش، توصیفی - پیمایشی است. ابزار جمع‌آوری داده‌های پژوهش، پرسشنامه است که اغلب 264 پرسشنامه از نمونه آماری برگشت و از طریق معادلات ساختاری و آزمون سوبل تحلیل گردید. بر این اساس، تجزیه‌وتحلیل داده‌ها، بر اساس روش­های آماری به کمک نرم‌افزار SPSS23 و LISREL8.80، مورد آزمون و تحلیل قرار گرفت. پایایی تحقیق، توسط آلفای کرونباخ به کمک نرم‌افزار spss و روایی آن بر اساس روایی محتوا و تحلیل عاملی، تحلیل و مورد تأیید قرار گرفت. یافته‌های پژوهش بر اساس آزمون فرضیه­ها، حاکی از تأیید فرضیه‏های پژوهش است. درواقع، استنباط شد که استراتژی سطح بانک و استراتژی بازاریابی بر عملکرد بانک‌ها تأثیر معناداری دارد. از طرفی محتوای استراتژی رابطه بین استراتژی سطح بانک و استراتژی بازاریابی را با عملکرد بانک‌ها تعدیل می‌کند. درنهایت، بین استراتژی سطح بانک و استراتژی بازاریابی رابطه معناداری وجود دارد.


عنوان مقاله [English]

The effect of company level strategy and marketing strategy with the content strategy on the performance of banks

نویسندگان [English]

  • Mohammad Reza Hamidizadeh 1
  • Ruqia Shuko Hussaini 2
1 Professor, Department of Business Management, Shahid Beheshti University, Tehran, Iran
2 MBA Graduated, Faculty of Humanities, Ahle Beyt International University, Tehran, Iran
چکیده [English]

Introduction: In the present situation, private banks are facing dynamics and challenges such as: insecurity, poor financial instruments, technological and digital problems and so on. However, in order for these banks need a dynamic strategy to interact and cope with these challenges (Plan the right stance and action, bank level strategy and marketing strategy), to ensures the effectiveness of the bank's performance in the long run. Because private banks, without a clear plan, cannot activity compete in new markets and improve their effectiveness and operational capacity. Performance and strategy are two important patterns and capabilities in the growth of activities and presence of companies in competitive markets. The content of the strategy should be designed in such a way that while enumerating the key factors, it predicts the success of private banks; In addition, it leads banks to be more efficient in competing with other banks and ultimately, to develop their business.
Methodology: The purpose of this study, considering the nature and expression of the research problem, is to investigate the effect of company level strategy and marketing strategy through the content strategy (mediator role) on the performance of private banks in Afghanistan. The statistical population of the study includes the managers of seven private banks in Kabul and based on Cochran’s formula, 264 people have been selected as the sample size of the research according to the due to the size of the population. In addition, this research is applied in terms of purpose and descriptive - survey in terms of method. The tool for collecting research data, is a questionnaire and the questions of the questionnaire include two parts: general and specialized questions. General questions are related to demographic questions. Specialized questions including 47 questions, based on the Likert scale to examine and measure the indicators of four variables (bank level strategy, marketing strategy, content strategy and bank performance), are also presented in the form of a research questionnaire. Most of the 264 questionnaires were returned from the statistical sample and analyzed through structural equivalence and Sobel test.
Accordingly, data analysis was performed at two levels of descriptive and inferential statistics, in the analysis of descriptive statistics section, descriptive statistical methods, tables and graphs were used. In the inferential statistics section, in this research, 5 hypotheses were proposed and tested by examining the research model, based on statistical methods using SPSS23 and LISREL8.80 software. Finally, all hypotheses were confirmed. The reliability of the research was calculated by Cronband´s LISREL8.80 alpha using SPSS software and its validity was analyzed and confirmed based on content validity and factor analysis.
Results and Discussion: The total average of the marketing strategy variable (3.98) and, among the variable dimensions, the differentiation strategy dimension has the highest average (3.99) and the focus strategy dimension has the lowest average (3.96), which is more than the average of 3. Therefore, it can be concluded that the overall status of the marketing strategy variable is relatively at a favorable level. The total average of the bank level strategy variable is (3.40) and, among the variable dimensions, the supervision strategy dimension has the highest average (3.45) and the guiding strategy dimension has the lowest average (3.40), which is more than the average of 3. Therefore, it can be concluded that the general situation of bank level strategy variables is at a favorable level. The total average of the bank performance variable is (3.25). Among the variable performance indicators, the non-financial performance dimension of the bank has the highest average (3.277) and the financial performance dimension of the bank has the lowest average (3.24), which is more than the average of 3. . Therefore, it can be concluded that the general situation of the bank's performance variable is at a favorable level. The research findings of the hypothesis test indicate that the research hypotheses are confirmed.  In fact, the bank - level strategy has a significant impact on the performance of private banks in Afghanistan. Also, marketing strategy has a significant impact on the performance of private banks in Afghanistan. On the other hand, the content strategy has a mediating role in the relationship between bank level strategy and the performance of private banks in Afghanistan. Similarly, the content strategy has a mediating role in the relationship between marketing strategy and the performance of private banks in Afghanistan. Finally, there is a significant relationship between bank level strategy and marketing strategy.
Conclusion: Private Banks should adopt and implement strategies that have good influence, initiative and monitor their operations in the form of market resources. Then its opportunities, challenges are responsible for achieving the strategic goals of those banks. On the other hand, the performance effectiveness of these banks is optimized and increased within the framework of strategies (bank level strategy and marketing strategy). Bank level strategy has a general approach that strives to create and maximize value for the bank and customers on long-term investment. The dimensions of this strategy include (guidance strategy, portfolio and supervision), which are planned and implemented according to the model and mission of private banks, which maintain the overall performance and success of the bank. Based on this, it controls and improves financial and non-financial performance in the form of strategic goals and market opportunities. The marketing strategy coordinates the capabilities and capabilities of private banks with opportunities, changing environmental variables and its performance are focused on gaining and creating a sustainable competitive advantage. The main goal of this strategy is to compete in new markets and take advantage of market growth opportunities to maintain and achieve optimal performance.

کلیدواژه‌ها [English]

  • Bank level Strategy
  • Marketing Strategy
  • Content Strategy
  • Strategic Stance
  • Strategic Action and Bank´s Performance
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