تأثیر تبلیغات خاطره‌آور بر احیای مجدد برند با سن و جنسیت

نوع مقاله : مقاله پژوهشی


1 استادیار گروه مدیریت بازرگانی، واحد بابل، دانشگاه آزاد اسلامی، بابل، ایران

2 دکتری مدیریت بازرگانی، دانشگاه تهران، تهران، ایران

3 استادیار، دانشکده مدیریت، اقتصاد و حسابداری، دانشگاه پیام نور، تهران، ایران



آنچه در تبلیغات خاطره‌آور  جالب ‌توجه است قدرت آن‌ها در احیای مجدد (احیای حیات) برندهای مرده است، عدم در نظر گرفتن سن و جنسیت در رابطه بین این تبلیغات و احیای مجدد برند، خلائی هست که موجب شده تا این پژوهش به بررسی تأثیر تبلیغات خاطره‌آور  بر احیای مجدد برند با نقش تعدیلگر سن و جنسیت بپردازد. روش تحقیق پژوهش حاضر از نظر هدف، کاربردی و از نظر ماهیت تحقیق در دسته پژوهش‌های توصیفی شاخه پیمایشی قرار می‌گیرد و ابزار، پرسشنامه استاندارد است. جامعه پژوهش، مشتریان شرکت نساجی مازندران با تعداد غیرقابل‌شمارش و نامحدود است نمونه مطابق توصیه کوکران با اطمینان 95 درصد، تعداد 384 نفر به دست آمد، شیوه نمونه‌گیری تصادفی ساده است. جهت تجزیه‌وتحلیل داده‌ها، از نرم‌افزار spss نسخه 24 و نرم‌افزار smart pls نسخه 3 بهره گرفته‌ شده است. از بین 12 فرضیه، هفت فرضیه مورد تائید قرار گرفت. همچنین روایی متغیرهای پژوهش از طریق آزمون روایی همگرا، واگرا و محتوا مورد تائید واقع شد و پایایی سازه‌ها نیز از طریق آلفای کرونباخ، بارهای عاملی و پایایی ترکیبی بررسی و نهایتاً تائید گردید. همچنین برازش مدل نیز در سطح قابل قبولی گزارش شد. بنابراین، تبلیغات خاطره‌آور از بعد فرهنگی و تاریخی می‌توانند بر احیای مجدد برند تأثیرگذار باشند و دراین‌ بین، جنسیت نقش تعدیلگر مثبتی را ایفا می‌نماید و در سنین بالاتر از 40 سال نیز، این تبلیغات با اثربخشی بیشتری روبه‌رو خواهد بود.
کلمات کلیدی:


عنوان مقاله [English]

Investigating the effect of nostalgic advertising on brand revitalization with regard to the mediating roles of age and gender: A case study of Mazandaran textiles

نویسندگان [English]

  • Majid Fani 1
  • Mohammad Amin Torabi 2
  • Seyedeh Maasoumeh Ghamkhari 3
1 Assistant Professor, Department of Business Management, Babol Branch, Islamic Azad University, Babol, Iran
2 Ph.D. in Business Administration, University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran
3 Assistant Professor, Department of Business Management, Faculty of Economics, Management, Accounting, Payame Noor University, Tehran, Iran
چکیده [English]

Introduction: Nostalgia refers to a bitter or sweet emotional longing for the past. It is the reminiscent of the past experiences that are accompanied by some sadness or a great deal of joy. In other words; recalling an old experience that brings a pleasurable feeling is called nostalgia. Marketing executives and salespeople strive to make use of this positive feeling to develop strong brand relationships. Nostalgic marketing is rooted in the empirical marketing approach and stimulates the senses of consumers by encouraging them to travel back in their lives. This is how a sense of nostalgia occurs. In addition, creating a strong relationship with the consumer is the basis of the brand. Nostalgic advertising based on a brand's past illuminates the brand's residual value in the minds of consumers, and this awareness leads to their desire to bring back a lost brand. Therefore; nostalgic advertisements based on brand equity and image can improve the brand's business performance. Also, branding experts believe that, by rebuilding old brands, good opportunities are gained. In this context, Mazandaran textiles revival has proved to be very important to support domestic production. Supporting national production is a prelude to job creation, entrepreneurship, and increased productivity in all areas. It also improves the social status of people's lives, reduced inflation, and exerts positive effects on the economy and ultimately the growth and development of our country. Forgiveness and economic leap are the necessity of the country. For this reason; the present study seeks to investigate the effect of nostalgic advertising on the revival of Mazandaran textile brand in different age and gender groups.
Methodology: The research method of the present study is applied in terms of purpose and descriptive in terms of nature. The data collection tool used was a standard questionnaire. The statistical population of the present study was the innumerable customers of Mazandaran Textile Company, and the sample consisted of 384 people based on Cochran's formula at a 95% confidence level. The sampling method was a simple random one. The SPSS software version 24 and the SMART-PLS software version 3 were used for the data analysis.
Results and Discussion: The frequency distribution of the respondents by gender included 195 males (50.8) and 189 females (49.2). In terms of age, 87 males were from 20 and 30 years (22.7), 111 were from 31 and 40 years (28.9), 87 were from 41 and 50 (22.7) and 99 people were over 51 years of age. In the statistical sample, 12 people earned less than 2 million Tomans, 190 people earned 2 to 4 million Tomans, 89 people earned 4 to 6 million Tomans and 93 people earned more than 6 million Tomans. Criterion, variance was used according to Table 2. The convergent validity of all the structures was higher than 0.5, and the combined reliability and Cronbach's alpha of all the variables were higher than 0.7. Therefore, the validity and reliability of the research were finally confirmed. According to Table 3, the AVE root that is reported for each structure (principal diameter) was greater than its correlation with other model constructs, which indicates an acceptable divergent validity for the research model. Considering the validity and reliability of the variables, the research hypotheses were tested, and the results of the model were found reliable.
Conclusion: The results of this study showed that nostalgic personal, historical, and cultural advertisements have positive and significant effects on the revival of the brand. According to the results, historical nostalgia creates appreciation and positive images of the past, and therefore consumers attach more importance to historical nostalgic signs and trust a collective memory of the past. As previous studies have shown, historical nostalgic songs cause customers to respond more positively to advertisements and they become more inclined to recall old songs that cause historical nostalgia than those that cause personal nostalgia. Cultural nostalgia, on the other hand, refers to cultural values and images experienced by the consumer in the past, allowing customers to evaluate the cultural association of advertising brands. The findings also show that nostalgic personal advertising has the third most impact on consumer participation in brand revitalization. This may be because personal nostalgia stems from their memories of the past; consumers feel that the past is more desirable than it was. It is also concluded that the effect of personal nostalgic advertising on enhancing consumer participation in brand revitalization depends on gender. For personal nostalgia, our results show that nostalgic personal advertising has a greater impact on brand revitalization for men, while this effect is meaningless for female customers. This can be attributed to the fact that personal nostalgia perpetuates itself between the present and the past. It most likely prevents women from feeling a continuum between the past and the present, mainly because personal nostalgia reminds them of the physical changes of aging i.e. altered body shape, wrinkles, and so on.

کلیدواژه‌ها [English]

  • Personal nostalgic advertising
  • Historical nostalgic advertising
  • Cultural nostalgic advertising
  • Brand revival
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